
chiang mai province中文是什么意思

  • 清府
  • 清迈府



  • 例句与用法
  • Such has been the success of the pah rak nam concept that it has now been extended to other regions , particularly in chiang mai province where a notable success has been the rehabilitation of mae takrai forest for use as a meditation center and retreat for monks and lay people
  • Such has been the success of the pah rak nam concept that it has now been extended to other regions , particularly in chiang mai province where a notable success has been the rehabilitation of mae takrai forest for use as a meditation center and retreat for monks and lay people
  • On november 23 , 2003 a seminar featuring masters videos was held at yuparach college in chiang mai province , northern thailand , a beautiful area known for its breathtaking ancient temples , towering mountains and picturesque geysers , as well as for the hospitality of its indigenous people
    2003年11月23日,泰国同修在泰北清迈的育帕拉奇学院yuparach college举办一场录影带讲座。清迈省风景优美,尤以令人叹为观止的古刹崇山峻岭喷泉和殷勤好客的原住民而闻名于世。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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